Effective 2014-06-18 contents on freecode.com is no longer being updated.  Please use this page instead for any new phpGrid releases and announcements. We will also announce new releases in our blog.

Announcing phpGrid 7.6

April 18, 2024
Announcing phpGrid 7.6

This release includes significant improvements and numerous bug fixes. We’ve transitioned 90% of the JavaScript libraries to be managed by Yarn. Our future aim is to achieve 100% management through Yarn. Users will have the convenience of updating the required JavaScript libraries directly, enhancing security. Additionally, this release supports PHP 8.3.

  • Use Yarn v3 to manage JavaScript dependencies
  • Use Composer to manage all PHP dependencies
  • Replaced PHPExcel (discontinued) with PHPSpreadsheet
  • Fixed an issue in XML data source from missing C_Utility::gen_rowids()
  • Fixed all deprecating issues in PHP 8.2 such as dynamic properties
  • Fixed PDFTable deprecation issue with dynamic property in PHP 8.2
  • Added missing theme-icon.png for demo explorer
  • Demo to show set detail grid title with selectRow event in master details
  • Local array data to display ‘no data found.’ msg when array is empty
  • Fixed some issues found by Lint
  • Remove unused jq_conditionalRows variable
  • Demo update: auto fit parent conainer 100% width
  • Sample DB updated supplier table
  • Added missing sample images
  • Changed file upload folder to ‘uploads’ folder
  • File upload now will always upper case of file extensions for better comparison
  • Deprecated enable_debug() and removed all references
  • Demo edit in iframe to use https from http
  • Updated foreign character demo and sample db to use utf8mb4
  • Demo theme roller to open in its own window
  • Bug fix: get sql_key value when it’s missing as only SQL Select is passed to consructor
  • Minor CSS fix to multiple row select checkbox
  • Supports view image stored as long blob field (no editing)
  • Demo date format bug fix
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Announcing phpGrid 7.5.5

July 21, 2023
Announcing phpGrid 7.5.5

One major change is the start using of Composer to manage dependents. Please run composer install to install components. You will only have to do this once. Learn about Composer and how install in both Windows and Linux OS on its official website.

  • Bootstrap 5 support!
  • Ajax file upload now works even when add new a row
  • Add ability to read and save JSON as data source
  • Added delete event handler to custom event handler demo
  • New demo – read and write JSON to url
  • Demo file upload to add event to Ajax call addtional script after submit(both add or edit)
  • Demo – Locale settings to also added changes to datepicker
  • Tons of bug fixes!!
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Announcing phpGrid 7.5.2

May 16, 2022
Announcing phpGrid 7.5.2
  • Nested/Cascadeing dropdown fix for both INLINE and FORM
  • DB Chartset default to utf8mb4 (MySql)
  • Added foreign character PDF EXPORT instruction on KB
  • New installation script (with MySql demo)
  • Migrating datepicker to flatpickr
  • ADOdb 5.22 update
  • Demo:
    • Conditional format to reload after each submit
    • Demo: Keep edit form staying open after save
    • Demo: Triple nested dropdown demo update
  • Minor UI update to global search
  • Sample select dataurl to use select_limit with 4th parameter for better security
  • New App:
    • coinmarketcap clone
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Announcing phpGrid 7.5!

August 15, 2021
Announcing phpGrid 7.5!
  • Important Namespace Update:
    • The old namespace “phpGrid” is now replaced with phpCtrl
  • Features:
    • Enhanced IBM i DB2 / AS400 support
    • Stored procedure support
    • Consume external REST API via ws_edit.php (beta)
    • Added function set_grid_style() for simple grid styling header, color, and fonts
  • Enhancements:
    • Replace hard coded ‘edit.php’ cls_datagrid with $this->edit_file
    • ADOdb 5.21 update (SSL connection support)
    • Loading text is dynamic
  • Bugfix:
    • Fixed a bug in white_list() that cause drag and drop grouping fail
    • Removed DejaVuSansCondensed.mtx.php, auto generated file
  • Security Fix:
    • Removed phpinfo script for security reason
  • Demo:
    • New demo: column alias
    • Demo explorer now have link via hash fragment as query parameter
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Announcing phpGrid version 7.4.7

March 2, 2021
Announcing phpGrid version 7.4.7

phpGrid 7.4.7

This has a very important security bug fix. Users are STRONGLY recommend to upgrade to this version at earliest time.


  • PHPExcel PHP 7.4.1 update
  • Persist column state enhancement and fixed a small bug that returns warning
  • Fix to load on vertical scroll
  • Force hover color
  • PDF export deprecating issue fix
  • Increase setTimeout to 500 from 200 in a form only mode
  • multi-select dropdown in toolbar search need to also check value
  • show scroll bar for long edit form (Bootstrap & JQuery UI)
  • Fix the sub-grid plus minus ill aligned
  • Security hardening with new white_list() function to prevent potential SQL Injection – added 3rd parameter to array_search, must check value ‘1’ as it’s the default value for ORDER BY.


  • Date format time only entry update, set range of selectable years back and future 50 yrs.
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Announcing phpGrid version 7.4.6!

October 5, 2020
Announcing phpGrid version 7.4.6!

phpGrid 7.4.6

This is an important bug fix release. Users are encouraged to upgrade to this version at earliest.


  • Removed a deprecated magic method in utility class causing issues in PHP 7.4
  • Revert a change in table namespace used for naming jqgrid index in colModel. In complex query, the best way to avoid column name ambiguity is still use column alias.
  • Improved mobile view with better CSS. Autoscroll is not supported in mobile view
  • Remove generated fonts during pdf export from repo
  • Included additional PDf fonts
  • PHP 7.4 support – Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated
  • Update tfPDF to 1.8.2 for PHP 7.4
  • Turn off autoresize caused edit form to cut off buttons in the bottom.
  • Check isset col_edittypes[$colName][“multiple”]
  • Fixed minor issues with row checkbox alignment in CSS
    Copy row bug fix due to constant ‘id’ replaced with JQGRID_ROWID


  • Improved master detail multiple tabbed demo
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phpGrid 7.4.5

June 10, 2020
phpGrid 7.4.5

This is mainly updates for bugfixes and security patches. It’s HIGHLY recommended to update to this version.


  • Master detail inline add gives a modal error with unclear error messages
  • Fixed a bug in guiStyle theme property settings where Bootstrap theme is not set correctly.
  • columnchooser is working again. However, CC Cannot use with multiple select search filter at the same time. This limitation is due to conflicts from two different multiselects libraries are used for each feature. A fix will roll out in future updates
  • Ensure there is always space between keywords in masterdetail which seems broke udpates in some edge cases.
  • Include table namespace in SQL. Very usefully when users want to use JOINS with ambigious column names
  • Set JQGRID_ROWID_KEY to ‘_rowid’ other than default ‘id’ used by jqGrid. It can issues with master detail both has ‘id’ as the key, which causes the naming collision.
  • Fixed alternative row color CSS that wasn’t working in Bootstrap themes.
  • Position the dialog in the middle of window instead of (x, y)(0, 0)
  • Fixed security issues in file upload due to folder name passed in POST. It is now set in conf.php. file upload API no longer accept 2nd and 3rd folder path values.


  • File upload demo is updated.
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phpGrid 7.4.1

March 16, 2020
phpGrid 7.4.1

Features & Enhancements:

  • Joomla 3 support enhancements and new tutorial
  • Added multivalue select options in search
  • Bootstrap4 support
  • jqGrid 4.14.1


  • fixed a bug in guiStyle setting
  • Fixed masterdetail INLINE validating the variable has a truthy value or not.
  • Fixed a typo in variable name
  • Set search in virtual column to false
  • dynamic link to display nothing when it�s blank or null
  • Set initial dropdown size limited to 100 (from 10)


  • Fixed an error in tagging demo
  • Math operation to include enable edit and jqGridAddEditAfterSubmit, so the total is updated in real time after each edit
  • Demo update: autocomplete via ajaxDataUrl
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phpGrid 7.4

December 27, 2019
phpGrid 7.4

+ Bugfix:

  • Export failed in a local array data source. Do not call get_col_dbnames()
  • Missing font files PDF TABLE (fixed)
  • Master-detail inline add new row works
  • Trumbowyg enter key submits the form (fixed by e.stopPropagation)

+ Enhancements:

  • Updated ADOdb to 5.20.14
  • Autocomplete via filtered Ajax JSON data URL (good for large dataset)
  • Added sample code for returning JSON for ajax dropdown
  • Add 100 years back to datepicker (default is 20)
  • Clone/copy row now works on INLINE edit
  • Remove &nbsp in EXCEL export So the numbers are automatically formatted as the number in Excel
  • Update Trumbowyg to the latest

+ Demos:

  • Bootstrap integration to resize to parent window only after toggle
  • Cell edit to include CELL Add and Delete
  • Data format demo to include a hack to allow some countries that have data entry with a comma in currency
  • Added the export button to the local array
  • Change cell edit mode button export to use relative path
  • tabbed grid demo update. Switched to Bootstrap tab from jquery UI tab


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phpGrid 7.3

May 21, 2019
phpGrid 7.3

This is a big release with many new features including PHP 7.3 support! All licenses are encouraged to update.

+ Features:

  • PHP 7.3 support!
  • Replaced jWYSIWYG with Trumbowyg due to jWYSIWYG is no longer jQuery 3 compatible
  • Better Notifications with the real-time server response

+ Bugfix:

  • Replace HAVING with WHERE when aggregate function exists so it will be compatible with non-MySql
  • Column freeze – moved code block into event function so that is rendered after DOM is ready
  • In PHP 7.3, using “continue” on a “switch” statement now throws a warning. Changed to ‘switch’
  • Fixed a bootstrap CSS that displays extra bottom padding in the toolbar search
  • COUNT now throw a warning when param is not Countable interface. Fixed.
  • Check bootstrap if loaded had the wrong boolean. Fixed.
  • Fixed the weird box shadows in bootstrap theme

+ Enhancements:

  • Load Bootstrap CSS when it is not loaded.
  • set_col_dynalink – parameter baseLinkUrl: when a link begins with ‘HTTP’, or it is considered a column name

+ Demos:

  • Inventory management barcode tutorial – last part of the tutorial
  • Fixed missing add icons in detail grid for inline edit
  • Custom Action Buttons – Shopping Cart
  • Master-detail layout with better CSS
  • Bootstrap layout demo
  • Freeze demo with search and add new
  • Default to the last page in freeze column demo
  • New demo cell edit mode with add and delete


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phpGrid v7.2.9 (Patch Release)

December 8, 2018
phpGrid v7.2.9 (Patch Release)

This is an important patch release.

  • Added missing .map files for Safari
  • Returning proper empty JSON with ‘die’ in masterdetail.php, or ‘undefined’ error message shows up that overlays the master-detail grid
  • Upgraded jQuery Migrate 3.0.1 from 1.21
  • Removed ending PHP closing tags
  • Updated file upload script to be compatible with jQuery 3


  • Multiple datagrid to take approx 1/4 of the screen height.
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Announcing phpGrid v7.2.8

November 25, 2018
Announcing phpGrid v7.2.8
  • Features:
    • Datepicker, Datetimepicker, Timepicker are now automatically used based on the type returned from ADOdb Mysqli driver. Before it was only Datepicker by default.
    • Ready-made apps (Enterprise PLUS)
  • Enhancements:
    • Updated to the latest ADOdb
    • Replace jQuery migrate 3 with 1.2.1 for better compatibility
  • Bugfix:
    • The detail grid loses initial filter and displays everything. Fixed.
    • Removed extra padding around autocomplete in the form display
    • In edit type, set the select type empty value to literal ‘null’ ONLY when the column is NOT required so it converts to database null.
    • The master-detail function has a warning message to overlay the page. Fixed.
    • PHPExcel is no longer supported by OOS. However, still fixed a bug due to UTF-8 to delay finding an alternative library.
    • Fixed a bug in PHPSqlparser due to PHP 7 more restrict rule on function signature.
  • Demos:
    • New demo that use a column to display text and hyperlink in another
    • New connection settings “sqlsrv” for Azure SQL server & native SQL Server support. This is the new recommended datbase type for SQL server on Windows & Azure.
    • Local array data source with total
    • Auto scroll
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Announcing phpGrid v7.2.7!

May 4, 2018
Announcing phpGrid v7.2.7!
  • Features:
    • Added Timepicker support. Requires column with SQL Time data type. For database has no TIME type support, you can use Sql Datetime type and choose to show time only
  • Enhancements:
    • Updated to jQuery 3.3.1 with migration file 3.0.1
  • Bugfix:
    • Fix a bug in PHPSqlParser for PHP 7 due to mixing arguments
    • Updated demo db orders table to add logTime as ’TIME’ data type
    • Trim single quotes for date comp in adv search
    • Fixed bug in when exporting filter “date range”
    • Added open and close brackets to sqlWhere after the filter or global search will break
  • Demos:
    • New demo that use a column to display text and hyperlink in another
    • Enhanced date demo to include timepicker
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Announcing phpGrid v7.2.6!

October 4, 2017
Announcing phpGrid v7.2.6!
  • Features:
    • CELL edit mode for Excel-like behavior
  • Enhancements:
    • Ability to handle very large datasets! Demo included.
    • Set “url” to the current executing script to address variable scoping.
    • Much improved Tabbed datagrid demo
    • CSS white-space set to nowrap in cell edit mode
    • Added NULL selection support in dropdown option
  • Theme:
    • Enhanced Bootstrap theme
  • Bugfix:
    • Set a new theme at run-time did not overwrite a property when the original theme is “bootstrap”. Fixed.
    • Added child grid object validation when echo subgrid and master detail debug info.
    • Removed stripeslashes function which causes the search to fail.
  • Security Fix:
    • Set property “autoencode” to true to prevent Cross Site Scripting (XSS) by default.
  • Demo:
    • Tagging with autocomplete
    • Excel edit (with keyboard navigation)
    • Minor update to HTML Edit Control demo
    • Load from large dataset (3M records!)
    • Enhanced master detail demos
    • Tagged grids demo improved with a separate loader
    • Local array demo to use CDN
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Announcing phpGrid v7.2.5!

August 2, 2017
Announcing phpGrid v7.2.5!
  • Features:
    • New JOOMLA module (tested on 3+)
    • New constant to check upload file extension
    • define(‘UPLOADEXT’, ‘gif,png,jpg,jpeg’);
  • Enhancements:
    • Change datetimepicker interval from default 1 hour to 30 min
    • enable_autowidth to resize to body.width instead of window.width
    • Set theme footer style
    • Update to the latest ADODB5 library
  • Theme:
    • “bootstrap” – this adds official Twitter Bootstrap support! jqgrid guiStyle is changed to ‘bootstrap internally (guiStyle = ‘bootstrap’)
    • Ability to use Bootstrap theme
  • Bugfix:
    • Added foreign non-ASCII character utf-8 encode in data.php for MSSQL
    • SET default height and width to ‘auto’. It fixes the bottom margin issue.
    • Only to include bootstrap CSS file when theme name is ‘bootstrap’
    • Columnchooser now works again (broken in 7.2 dueo to wrong ui.multiselect.js and .css)
    • datetimepicker Chinese locale fix by mapping ‘cn’ to ‘ch’
    • Added array boundary check that fixes “undefined in foreach()..”” in cls_util.php
  • Security Fix:
    • Run key through the whitelist to prevent SQL injection in subgrid.php, edit.php, ajaxfileupload.php, ajaxfiledelete.php (credit to Andreas Schnederle-Wagner from Futureweb!)
    • New prepare statement support in database class
  • Demo:
    • Action column custom buttons
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phpGrid Version 7.2 Released!

May 18, 2017
phpGrid Version 7.2 Released!


  • CDN support. Default is false in conf.php
  • Added Bootstrap support
  • Added Fontawesome icon support
  • Drag and drop rows between datagrids


  • Reduced Lux theme td padding and gap for subgrid
  • Increase datagrid default height from 200px to 400px
  • Update save selected row demo wording


  • Hide horizontal scroll bar when enable_autowidth is set to true
  • set_caption to convert blank to  


  • Load custom form from an iframe in the Modal window
  • Display remaining characters used in a field on edit form
  • Drag and drop rows between grids demo. Users must implement custom save function
  • Bulk edit save sample code updated


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Version 7.1.5

February 7, 2017
Version 7.1.5

Feature: jQuery rating is now supported (custom editing is WIP) Enhancements: Subgrid add new populates linking key value automatically from the parent grid set_col_hidden() can take an array of string separated by comma New static $load_ajaxComplete flag to ensure the javascript ajaxComplete is only fired once Bugfix: Added missing comma in file upload javascript  

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Version 7.1

January 18, 2017
Version 7.1

Enhancement: set_masterdetail now has a 3rd parameter as the master foriegn key. Linking keys no longer need to be the same name! Pivot grid to handle large data set 5th parameter in set_group_properties to hide group details Bugfix: display_style internal function is now rendered after output buffer starts so styles won’t injected above HTML tag. Demo: Change calendar week start day Database administration demo

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Version 7

November 1, 2016
Version 7

New Features: Form-only mode Blank form Load form from existing record Theme support Group header Tooltip Redirect after submit Enhancements: WYSIWYG color picker support CRUD success/error status display Session Manager Framework Support: Joomla! 3.x ready (FRAMEWORK) ADOdb 5.20 Bugfix: Add new row in inline edit Many other bugfixes Demo: Tabbed datagrid demo Form only mode  

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Version 6.9

August 15, 2016
Version 6.9

Major Changes: Drag and Drop grouping support! Clone selected row PHP namespace full support! Persist column settings upon page reload New conditional formatting with custom javascript demo New Theme: New “lux” premium theme Many bug fixes  

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Version 6.7.10

April 15, 2016
Version 6.7.10

Features Added 2nd parameter in set_multiselect() so pagination will not clear selected row when set to true. Bug fixes: Column sorting is working again INLINE edit to set focus on selected cell New demo: Complex query support using array Framework update jqGrid 4.10.0

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Version 6.7

January 24, 2016
Version 6.7

List of main changes: PHP 7 support! PDF class updated to support PHP 7 Native Excel export (requires PHPExcel) ADOdb 5.20 data access library update for PHP 7 support Bug fix subgrid to add readonly fields support Minor theme update.  

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Version 6.6

November 23, 2015
Version 6.6

New Features Column auto resize based on contained contents Pivot grid support + new pivot grid example! Zend Framework, DB2 Support (new downloaded added to member portal) Virtual column positioning (beta) New date format (date-format.php) example New header tooltip function set_col_headerTooltip Footer icon now wraps when the width is too small Framework update jqGrid 4.9.2 Bug fixes Nested dropdown bugs. It’s now fully supported in both FORM and INLINE edit mode. Datepicker locale support Many minor fixes!

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Version 6.53

October 1, 2015
Version 6.53
  • Features:
    • PDF export now support logo through enable_export 2nd parameter.
  • Demo:
    • Complex query through local array
  • Bug fixes:
    • File upload field displays Delete button when adding a new record.
    • Nested dropdown child select missing selected value during editing. Fixed.
    • MS SQL composite key WHERE clause is handled differently.
    • CSS update to address ever expanding in edit form
    • Remove inital horizontal scroll bar enable_autowidth() by calling setTimeout;
    • Substract 18 from auto height instead of 10 so entire bar is revealed initally

Full Release History

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Version 6.52b

August 8, 2015
Version 6.52b
  • Features:
    • Added 2nd parameter to in enable_search() for Excel like auto filter
    • Nested dropdown is now supported in FORM edit.
  • Bug Fixes
    • Added $this->jq_gridName to javascript function names in imageFormatter and imageUnformatter
    • Required fields now display red * automatically
  • Examples:
    • Google Spreadsheet integration example!
    • phpGrid and CodeIgniter Integration!


Full Release History

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Version 6.51

June 17, 2015
Version 6.51

This is a minor patch release.

  • Features:
    • New phpGrid session class for custom session handling.
    • Integrated search is now available in detail grid.
  • Examples
    • Bootstrap integration example
    • Laravel framework integration example



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Version 6.5

April 8, 2015
Version 6.5

Core grid library has been updated to jqGrid 4.6.

  • New Features:
    • Global text search (not the same as full-text search)
    • Math operation support such as column sum, avg. etc.
  • New Premium theme
    • cobalt-flatÓ. It’s flat and it’s awesome!
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Fixed a bug in CSS that causes the inline edit text box height to go beyond visible height in the new flat theme
    • Added $this->jq_gridName to javascript function name imageFormatter/imageUnformatter.
  • New examples:
    • Externalize search
    • Math operation
    • Global search
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Version 6.5b

February 25, 2015
Version 6.5b
  • New Features and Enhancements:
    • Supports single level, multiple subgrid. This is an internal update. No new method was introduced. Use set_subgrid() to create multiple subgrids of the same master grid. Previously the later subgrid would overwrite the previous one.
    • Select and Autocomplete edit types now support read only fields during edit, and only during the edit. It doesn’t affect during insert new row.
  • Bug Fixes:
    • Foreign key filter is now also applied during export master detail grids. This fixes bug that produces the entire details grids when export.
    • Fix a bug that cause width resize to go crazy. It was changed from “100%” to ‘1000’ so that subgrid width is stretched to fit the parent grid. It turns out it’s more trouble than it worths.
  • New demo:
    • New mobile support demo.
  • Misc.:
    • Modified local_array.php to include sort type.
    • Update inline action column, virtual column examples
    • Reverted FORM edit trigger event back to “ondblClickRow” from “onSelectRow” as requested by users. INLINE edit remains single click trigger on “onSelectRow”.


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Version 6.2

December 4, 2014
Version 6.2
  • Updated advanced example to include date comparison.
  • Added set direction function
  • Added a better datetimepicker jquery library to pick both date AND time.
  • Page now reloads automatically as soon as a selection made in master grid by using onSetSelection().
  • Added tooltip using jQuery
  • Conditional formatting now works with local array!!
  • Single quote in search and master detail join key value will break the grid. Fixed.
  • New example – master detail layout side by side.
  • Auto generate SERVER_ROOT value. When NOT using Apache alias directive or IIS virtual directory, phpGrid can successfully generate SERVER_ROOT value using the following script in conf.php. You don’t need to do anything. However, you should set SERVER_ROOT manually when use Apache alias directive or IIS virtual directory.
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Version 6.1

June 24, 2014
Version 6.1
  • A bug in client side grid object referencing was fixed by using a unique jQuery selector ID and grid object variable name to avoid a naming collision.
  • A 4th parameter was added to the grouping method to hide the grouping column by default.
  • The grid IIS now auto reloaded on FORM edit after submitting.
  • file_upload JavaScript was updated to display corresponding Ajax response in the debug console.
  • A problem where required scripts were not included in an internal function due to execution orders between master and detail grids was fixed.
  • The debug window is now toggled off by default. Two new code samples were added.
  • You can now integrate phpGrid, phpChart and phpAutocomplete seamlessly in your solution! The integration sample code is now available online.
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Version 6.0

October 6, 2013
Version 6.0

This is a major release with many new features and enhancements.

New features:

  • composite primary key support,
  • autocomplete control,
  • sortable row,
  • nested/drill-down editable subgrid,
  • a column chooser,
  • Excel mode,
  • global theme and debug,
  • two new great looking premium themes,
  • a new row level permission function,
  • and many bugfixes.
  • The master detail feature has been massively enhanced.
  • In the back-end, this release adds an SQL Server Native driver and DB2 DSN-less connectivity support.

New Database Type

  • db2-dsnless
    • Now supports DB2 DSN-less as database type. Thanks, Jon Paris!
  • odbc_mssql_native
    • “odbc_mssql_native” DB_TYPE for SQL Server Native ODBC driver
    • “odbc_mssql” should be used for ***DSN-only connectivity *** on *nix, OS X using unixODBC through FreeTDS.
unixODBC requires environment variables in conf.php
unixODBC is DSN connection only with the following .conf and .ini files. I used Amazon RDS MSSQL instance during testing.
# server specific section
# TDS protocol version
; tds version = 4.2
# Whether to write a TDSDUMP file for diagnostic purposes
# (setting this to /tmp is insecure on a multi-user system)
; dump file = /tmp/freetds.log
; debug flags = 0xffff
# Command and connection timeouts
; timeout = 10
; connect timeout = 10
# If you get out-of-memory errors, it may mean that your client
# is trying to allocate a huge buffer for a TEXT field.
# Try setting 'text size' to a more reasonable limit
text size = 64512
host = phpgridmssql.cbdlprkhjrmd.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com
port = 1433
tds version = 7.0
Description = MS SQL Server
Driver = FreeTDS
Server = phpgridmssql.cbdlprkhjrmd.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com
TraceFile = /tmp/sql.log
UID = mssqluser
ReadOnly = No
Port = 1433
Database = sampledb
Description = FreeTDS
Driver = /usr/local/Cellar/freetds/0.91/lib/libtdsodbc.so
Setup = /usr/local/Cellar/freetds/0.91/lib/libtdsodbc.so
FileUsage = 1
CPTimeout =
CPResuse =
client charset = utf-8

New examples:

  • filter_grid_on_pageload.phpNote that the filters must be passed as string to data.php via POST, so not possible to use set_grid_property function which takes only array params
$dg->cust_prop_jsonstr = 'postData: {filters:\'{"groupOp":"AND","rules":[{"field":"status","op":"eq","data":"Shipped"}]}\'},';

API change details:

  • enable_edit()
    • Added a 3rd parameter for user defined edit script file name other than the default “edit.php” file. Note that the user defined edit file is NOT automatically passed to detail and subgrid. In most cases, you do not need to use your own edit script rather than simply modify edit.php (requires Enterprise or Universal license for source code).
  • set_col_dynalink
    • now supports local array
  • SQL Server
    • The cells with NULL value repeat the value from the previous row has been fixed due to a bug in ADOdb (server/adodb5/adodb.inc.php), our database abstract class library.
  • before_script_end public variable
    • Added public variable ‘before_script_end’. It can be ‘hooked’ into the display when ALL the DOM elements are ready.
  • priviate cust_prop_jsonstr (known as ud_params pre-version six)
  • set_grid_property()
    • Description: Advanced method. Set custom datagrid properties. The parameter must be an array. You must be rather familiar jqGrid API in order to take advantage of this method effectively. In most cases, you do not need to use this method. Note that this method is not the same as set_grid_method, another advanced phpGrid method.
  •  set_grid_method()
    • It now takes variable arguments. The changes make the function more flexible with different jqGrid methods with variable arguments. Super useful. :)
  • INLINE edit improvement:
    • checkbox now display as checkbox,
    • new blank row when add.
    • auto refresh grid after add.
    • WYSIWYG support
  • set_edit_condition()
    • Set row-level edit condition for edition permission.
  • Composite PK support (Enterprise+)
    • This is a major feature in version 6. Lots of development resources devoted to support composite PK, and yet making it simple at the same time. In stead of passing a single string variable in the constructor as the primary key, you can now pass an array of strings as the composite primary key. For a single primary key, you can still use a string or an array with a single string value. e.g.
  • set_col_edittype
    • Use index number 0 and 1 instead of column name to retrieve data value in “select” edit type. This allows more complex SQL statement such as CONCAT.
  • Conditional format
    • Fixed bug in subgrid due to “+” column
  • set_masterdetail()
    • The `2rd parameter is finally working as intended. It no longer has to be the same name as the master primary key. It was never implemented.
  • New premium themes! (Enterprise+)
    • aristo
    • cobalt
    • retro
  • Global theming support
    • THEME global constant in conf.php to set theme for all the grids. The global theme can be overwriten with set_theme
  • Load error display
    • Added primvate loadError property. The error occurred during load will be displayed.
  • set_sortablerow()
    • Activate sortable row. drag and drop row to sort.
  • toolbar search
    • Changed default value from “equal” to “contain”
  • jqGrid 4.5.2 support
    • Updated with latest jqGrid library
  • Subgrid
    • Now support nested/drill-down subgrid!!
  • FORM & INLINE edit
    • respects edit_options flags
  • Autocomplete support!
  • enable_columnchooser()
  • enable_autoheight()
    • automatically resize based on window width – one step closer to an Excel-like editor.
  • enabled_autoheight()
    • Supported!
  • datepicker
    • Display changeMonth and changeYear dropdown
  • DEBUG globally constant
    • Server error now displays when DEBUG is true in conf.php

Add “PHPGRID” to prefix all DB constant to avoid potential name collisons with other systems and frameworks. eg. WordPress uses DB_NAME variable.

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Version 5.5.5

April 20, 2013
Version 5.5.5

This release addresses a few bugs and added a number of new features.

  • The ODBC generic driver is now supported, as it works better in Unix environments for some databases such as MS SQL.
  • A set_grid_method function was added.
  • jqGrid 4.4.5, jQuery 1.9.0, and jQuery UI 1.10 are now supported.
  • Column freeze is now supported.
  • File upload can now be activated with a double click on a row in form edit mode.
  • Minor bugs were fixed.
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Version 5.5.2

January 23, 2013
Version 5.5.2
  • File uploading now works when adding new a record.
  • Conditional format is now working with rows without a preexisting cell format.
  • Subgrid now supports filter methods.
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Version 5.5.1

January 14, 2013
Version 5.5.1
  • This is a patch release. It fixes an array index out of bound bug in the set edittype function.
  • It removed control validation logic for master/detail INLINE mode since this is no longer a limitation.
  • It removed a redundant include statement in the datagrid class that was causing unnecessary errors in some systems.
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Version 5.5

January 2, 2013
Version 5.5
  • Advanced search is now supported in detail grid.
  • Updated to ADOdb library 5.1.8
  • Added toolbar search dropdown support
  • phpChart integration example added!
  • Now support array parameter in set_col_dynalinks.It’s also backward compatible.
    • $dynaParam (old $idName) can be a string or an array width dynamic value$addParam are parameters with static value
  • display_script_includeonce scope is now public (better MVC framework compability)
  • better Oracle database support
    • define(PHPGRID_DB_TYPE, ‘oci805’);
  • PDF, CSV export format are now supported by requests!
  • Performance optimzation with large datasets
  • Now supports virtual columns, AKA caclulated field!
  • Added support for custom validation by requests!
    • set_col_customrule()
  • array data source is now (finally) supported! export, subgrid and master detail grids are not supported
  • Bug fix: Master Detail INLINE edit not working in master grid due to mulitple onSelectRow event handler.
  • Bug fix: $grid not defined
  • Bug fix: Only variable can have & since PHP5
  • Bug fix: set_col_edittype now works with non-integer key
  • Bug fix: conditional format when multiple select is true
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Version 5.0

November 2, 2012
Version 5.0
  • Upgrade to jqGrid 4.4
  • Search bug fix (OR operator)
  • 10 new custom themes, and old theme enhancement!
  • Updated them roller example with dropdowns to change theme
  • Now support ability to call JavaScript function from hyperlink
  • Added “hyperlink_click_event” example: hyperlink onclick to call javascript function
  • Added column format type: date and checkbox
  • Added sqlite driver
  • Chained methods for:
    • setter methods,
    • enabler methods.
  • Advanced methods:
    • set_col_property
    • add_event (new exmaple added)
  • set_col_edit_dimension()
    • e.g. $dg->set_col_edit_dimension(“comments”, 50, 10);
    • e.g. $dg->set_col_edit_dimension(“status”, 40);
    • demo: column_text_edit_dimension.php
  • File upload (beta)
    • edit must be enabled
    • FORM mode only
    • file system upload only, no BLOB
    • the file folder must allow write permission
    • One file upload supported per form
    • file name column should be able to allow NULL value
  • WYSIWYG example added
  • set_col_img()
    • Added 2nd parameter to set base image URL.
    • Only a single image base url is supported per grid.


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