Announcing phpGrid v7.2.5!

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  • Features:
    • New JOOMLA module (tested on 3+)
    • New constant to check upload file extension
    • define(‘UPLOADEXT’, ‘gif,png,jpg,jpeg’);
  • Enhancements:
    • Change datetimepicker interval from default 1 hour to 30 min
    • enable_autowidth to resize to body.width instead of window.width
    • Set theme footer style
    • Update to the latest ADODB5 library
  • Theme:
    • “bootstrap” – this adds official Twitter Bootstrap support! jqgrid guiStyle is changed to ‘bootstrap internally (guiStyle = ‘bootstrap’)
    • Ability to use Bootstrap theme
  • Bugfix:
    • Added foreign non-ASCII character utf-8 encode in data.php for MSSQL
    • SET default height and width to ‘auto’. It fixes the bottom margin issue.
    • Only to include bootstrap CSS file when theme name is ‘bootstrap’
    • Columnchooser now works again (broken in 7.2 dueo to wrong ui.multiselect.js and .css)
    • datetimepicker Chinese locale fix by mapping ‘cn’ to ‘ch’
    • Added array boundary check that fixes “undefined in foreach()..”” in cls_util.php
  • Security Fix:
    • Run key through the whitelist to prevent SQL injection in subgrid.php, edit.php, ajaxfileupload.php, ajaxfiledelete.php (credit to Andreas Schnederle-Wagner from Futureweb!)
    • New prepare statement support in database class
  • Demo:
    • Action column custom buttons