- Use Yarn v3 to manage Javacript dependencies
- Use Composer to manage all PHP dependencies
- Replaced PHPExcel (discontinued) with PHPSpreadsheet
- Fixed an issue in XML data source from missing C_Utility::gen_rowids()
- Fixed all deprecating issues in PHP 8.2 such as dynamic properties
- Fixed PDFTable deprecation issue with dynamic property in PHP 8.2
- Added missing theme-icon.png for demo explorer
- Demo to show set detail grid title with selectRow event in master details
- Local array data to display ‘no data found.’ msg when array is empty
- Fixed some issues found by Lint
- Remove unused jq_conditionalRows variable
- Demo update: auto fit parent conainer 100% width
- Sample DB updated supplier table
- Added missing sample images
- Changed file upload folder to ‘uploads’ folder
- File upload now will always upper case of file extensions for better comparison
- Deprecated enable_debug() and removed all references
- Demo edit in iframe to use https from http
- Updated foreign character demo and sample db to use utf8mb4
- Demo theme roller to open in its own window
- Bug fix: get sql_key value when it’s missing as only SQL Select is passed to consructor
- Minor CSS fix to multiple row select checkbox
- Supports view image stored as long blob field (no editing)
- Demo date format bug fix