phpGrid 7.4.1

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Features & Enhancements:

  • Joomla 3 support enhancements and new tutorial
  • Added multivalue select options in search
  • Bootstrap4 support
  • jqGrid 4.14.1


  • fixed a bug in guiStyle setting
  • Fixed masterdetail INLINE validating the variable has a truthy value or not.
  • Fixed a typo in variable name
  • Set search in virtual column to false
  • dynamic link to display nothing when it�s blank or null
  • Set initial dropdown size limited to 100 (from 10)


  • Fixed an error in tagging demo
  • Math operation to include enable edit and jqGridAddEditAfterSubmit, so the total is updated in real time after each edit
  • Demo update: autocomplete via ajaxDataUrl