- Parameter(s):
- $obj_grid: phpGrid object as subgrid
- $s_fkey: subgrid foreign key.
- $m_fkey: Optional. Master foreign key.
- Description:
- The method displays inline detail grid rather than in separate datagrid table. It is very similar to set_masterdetail(). When ignored, phpGrid assumes that m_fkey has the same value as the s_fkey.
The $m_fkey value from the master datagrid is automatically retrieved when a user selects a row. The value is passed to the pop-up Add form in the subgrid. ( supported since 7.1.5)
$dg->set_subgrid($sdg, 'sales_rep', 'id');
- Remark:
Edit is currently not supported in subgrid.Nested subgrid is currently not supported,Nested/drill-down subgrid is now supported (version 6+).- The order of the 2nd and 3rd parameter matters,
- When the subgrid is the same table(self-reference, in database term) as the master grid, subgrid must use a different table alias in select statement using set_jq_gridName().
- All the grid properties and method should be called BEFORE set_subgrid is called.
- Do not include ‘WHERE’ in set_query_filter() when used on subgrid.
- Due to the calling sequence, the enable_edit() should be called BEFORE set_subgrid() method, or edit properties will be ignored.
- Example:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | $dg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM orders", "orderNumber", "orders"); $dg->enable_edit("INLINE", "CRUD"); // 2nd grid as detail grid $sdg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM orderdetails", array("orderLineNumber", "productCode"), "orderdetails"); $sdg->enable_edit("INLINE", "CRUD"); // 3rd grid as detail grid. $sdg2 = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM products", array("productCode"), "products"); $sdg2->enable_edit("INLINE", "CRUD"); // passing the detail grid object as the first parameter, then the foreign key name. // set_subgrid should be the last method to call before display $sdg->set_subgrid($sdg2, 'productCode'); $dg->set_subgrid($sdg, 'orderNumber'); $dg->display(); |