phpGrid 7.4.5

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This is mainly updates for bugfixes and security patches. It’s HIGHLY recommended to update to this version.


  • Master detail inline add gives a modal error with unclear error messages
  • Fixed a bug in guiStyle theme property settings where Bootstrap theme is not set correctly.
  • columnchooser is working again. However, CC Cannot use with multiple select search filter at the same time. This limitation is due to conflicts from two different multiselects libraries are used for each feature. A fix will roll out in future updates
  • Ensure there is always space between keywords in masterdetail which seems broke udpates in some edge cases.
  • Include table namespace in SQL. Very usefully when users want to use JOINS with ambigious column names
  • Set JQGRID_ROWID_KEY to ‘_rowid’ other than default ‘id’ used by jqGrid. It can issues with master detail both has ‘id’ as the key, which causes the naming collision.
  • Fixed alternative row color CSS that wasn’t working in Bootstrap themes.
  • Position the dialog in the middle of window instead of (x, y)(0, 0)
  • Fixed security issues in file upload due to folder name passed in POST. It is now set in conf.php. file upload API no longer accept 2nd and 3rd folder path values.


  • File upload demo is updated.