Horizontal Scroll Set parameter $shrinkToFit in set_dimension() to false to enable horizontal scroll when the [...]
Locale Setting If you are using phpGrid in a language rather English, you may want the datagrid to display [...]
Interactive Datagrid Resizing When enabled, the small triangle icon is displayed at the right bottom corner of the grid. The [...]
Image Display Display image is easy in phpGrid. Simply set the column name in set_col_img(), phpGrid will [...]
Display Dynamic URL From example above, we learn that phpGrid can display simple, static URL using set_col_link() [...]
Hyperlink Display You can display the text in column as static hyperlink by calling set_col_link() and passing [...]
Datagrid Pagination By default, the pagination size is 20. It means maximum of 20 records can be displayed in a [...]
Set Grid Height and Width Use set_dimension() method to specify grid initial height and width. The default height and [...]
Integrated Search phpGrid includes integrated search. By default, this feature is not enabled. To enable search [...]
Export Data to Excel, PDF, CSV, and HTML phpGrid currently supports export in native Excel format, CSV, PDF, and HTML [...]
Datagrid Caption By default, phpGrid displays table name as the caption. You can change the datagrid caption [...]
Hide Column For columns need not to be shown, such as primary key, use method set_col_hidden() to hide [...]
Descriptive Column Header By default phpGrid pulls out the data field name defined in database as the header for each [...]
A Basic PHP Grid Example A basic PHP grid requires only as little as TWO lines of code. First of all, always create a [...]