Work With Different Database Types

You should specific PHPGRID_DB_TYPE value in conf.php. It can be one of the following strings. The default database type for phpGrid is “mysql”. PHPGRID_DB_TYPE value is case sensitive.

Refer to installation documentation for detailed instruction on conf.php.


mysql MySQL (default)
odbc_mssql SQL Server (*nix Only)
odbc_mssql_native SQL Server Windows native (Download PHP SQL Server Driver)
sqlsrv Alternative SQL Server Windows native
oci805 Oracle (Got TNS?)
postgres PostGreSql
access Microsoft Access
db2 DB2
db2-dsnless DB2 DSN-less connection
informix Informix
informix72 Alternative Informix Driver
ibase Firebird/InterBase
odbc Generic ODBC


phpGrid also supports local array data source without using a database.