User Login & Management Add-On

user management welcome page

User management add-on is now included in Premium and Ultimate edition.

Summary of User Management Add-on

The User Management add-on was created to get out of your way so that you can focus on your project. It may be used with any PHP frameworks (Laravel, Symfony etc.) or without one. You can log in as a normal user or an admin from the login page, depending on the role you’ve been allocated. A new user can create an account (Admin can turn registration page off).

You may modify your settings on the user Dashboard once you’ve logged from settings options menu . Aside from datagrids, it can manage page permissions of your existing pages. You can also modify included CSS, allowing you easily modify the look and feel of your project.

Supported features:

• Login & logout
• Admin access
• User management
• User registration
• Password reset
• Page permissions
• Datagrid access permissions

User Roles Included

• Admin
• User

Install Instruction

  1. Extract files into your web root
  2. Location sql.sql in `db` folder and import (replace host name and credential):
        mysql -h your_db_host_name -u db_password -p database_name < sql.sql
  3. Set database config in users\init.php. Be sure create a database first.
        // Set config
        $GLOBALS['config'] = array(
            'mysql' => array(
            'host' => 'localhost',
            'username' => 'root',
            'password' => 'root',
            'db' => 'your user management database name',
  4. Start by using the default admin login/pass (do NOT delete admin account)
  5. phpGrid should be saved into `grid` folder in root directory. conf.php needs to have the following lines to “hook” into user management module. You likely do not need to change them. Only if one decides to use folder name other than `grid`, be sure to login as admin and change it in Pages sections.

    Recommended folder structure

    phpgrid user management

  6. Finally, add “hook” in top of phpGrid conf.php file, so that our user management module can start monitoring page permissions.
            require_once(dirname(__FILE__) .'/../users/init.php');
            if (!securePage($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])){die();}
    It is very important to have the above two lines in grid/conf.php so that our user management module can monitor the datagrid page permissions.

You should be able to login with the default admin account. Be sure to change the password once logged in.

Quick Walkthrough



Click ‘Users’ in admin menu to manage users

manage user

There are two types of user role, Admin, and User. By default, newly created users have “User” role. This can be edited after a user is created. As the name suggested, Admin will have access to ALL parts of the system. It should be closely guarded and managed with discretion.

user management user settings

Click ‘Pages’ to manage page permissions

manage page access

A page has a few important settings: Visibility (Public or Private) and role-based access permission. No individual person access is permitted. With role-based permission, it greatly reduces the page permission management complexity.

user management page permission

By default all pages are private, meaning users must login to access any pages. Click ‘Change’ button to add additional folders to monitor.

user management manage page access

Useful URLs

https://<your domain>/users/login.php

https://<your domain>/users/join.php

Admin Dashboard:
https://<your domain>/users/admin.php

You are all set! Feel free to drop a message should you have any questions!