* Please note this feature is only available in Premium and higher editions.
The phpGrid went extra miles to make creating the master detail datagrid a super simple task. There is essentially a simple function to set_masterdetail() to set the master detail relationship between two datagrids, and have them work interactively.
The detail grid is a regular phpGrid object and can have the same methods like any other datagrid, such as description title, sort, and update etc. The detail grid renders dynamically based on the row selected in parent grid. A master grid can have one detail grid one or more detail datagrids.
Note that you can have master and detail grids from the same database table as long as different SQL alias are used.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | // Always include namespace and conf.php on TOP of the script. use phpCtrl\C_DataGrid; require_once("/file/path/to/conf.php"); $dg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT * FROM Orders", "orderNumber", "Orders"); // change column titles $dg->set_col_title("orderNumber", "Order No."); $dg->set_col_title("orderDate", "Order Date"); $dg->set_col_title("shippedDate", "Shipped Date"); $dg->set_col_title("customerNumber", "Customer No."); // enable edit $dg->enable_edit("INLINE", "CRUD"); // hide a column $dg -> set_col_hidden("requiredDate"); // read only columns, one or more columns delimited by comma $dg -> set_col_readonly("orderDate, customerNumber"); // required fields $dg -> set_col_required("orderNumber, customerNumber"); // multiple select $dg -> set_multiselect(true); // second grid as detail grid. Notice it is just another regular phpGrid with properites. $sdg = new C_DataGrid("SELECT orderNumber,productCode,quantityOrdered,priceEach FROM OrderDetails", "orderNumber", "OrderDetails"); $sdg->set_col_title("orderNumber", "Order No."); $sdg->set_col_title("productCode", "Product Code"); $sdg->set_col_title("quantityOrdered", "Quantity"); $sdg->set_col_title("priceEach", "Unit Price"); $sdg->set_col_dynalink("productCode", "http://www.example.com/", "orderLineNumber", '&foo'); $sdg->set_col_format('orderNumber','integer', array('thousandsSeparator'=>'','defaultValue'=>'')); $sdg->set_col_currency('priceEach','$'); // define master detail relationship by passing the detail grid object as the first parameter, then the foriegn key name. $dg->set_masterdetail($sdg, 'orderNumber'); $dg->display(); |
Common Issue:
Missing add icon in the detail grid