* This feature is available with a commercial license.
phpGrid now supports local array data source (version 5.5+). No database is required for local data. So it’s NOT necessary to define PHPGRID_DB_* variables in conf.php when using local array. Simply pass a PHP array as the first parameter to the phpGrid constructor. Everything else is virtually the same.
In the below example, the first segment creates a local PHP array, namely $data1, which will be used as the data source for phpGrid. The second segment demonstrates passing the $data1 to the phpGrid constructor and call its methods. All existing phpGrid methods can be used the same way as a database-driven grids*.
For local array, it’s highly recommended to use all lower case for array key (e.g., bar1, bar2…) and use “id” as the primary key.
Make sure to check out the live example!
Local Array (PHP)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | $name = array('Bonado', 'Sponge', 'Decker', 'Snob', 'Kocoboo'); for ($i = 0; $i < 200; $i++) { $data1[$i]['id'] = $i+1; $data1[$i]['foo'] = md5(rand(0, 10000)); $data1[$i]['bar1'] = 'bar'.($i+1); $data1[$i]['bar2'] = 'bar'.($i+1); $data1[$i]['cost'] = rand(0, 100); $data1[$i]['name'] = $name[rand(0, 4)]; $data1[$i]['quantity'] = rand(0, 100); $data1[$i]['discontinued'] = rand(0, 1); $data1[$i]['email'] = 'grid_'. rand(0, 100) .'@example.com'; $data1[$i]['notes'] = ''; } |
phpGrid Code ($data1 is the local array created above. Use “id” as the primary key name.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 | $dg = new C_DataGrid($data1, "id", "data1"); $dg -> set_col_title("id", "ID") -> set_col_width('id', 20); $dg -> set_col_title("foo", "Foo"); $dg -> set_col_title("bar", "Bar"); $dg -> set_col_title('discontinued', 'disc.') -> set_col_width('discontinued', 35); $dg -> set_col_align('cost', 'right') -> set_col_currency('cost', '$'); $dg -> set_col_width('bar1', 40); $dg -> set_col_width('quantity', 220); $dg -> set_row_color('lightblue', 'yellow', 'lightgray'); $dg -> enable_search(true); $dg -> enable_edit('FORM', 'CRUD'); $dg -> enable_export('EXCEL'); $dg -> enable_resize(true); $dg -> set_col_format('email', 'email'); $dg -> set_col_dynalink('name', 'http://example.com', array("id", "name")); $dg -> set_caption('Array Data Test'); $dg -> set_col_hidden('bar2'); $dg -> set_col_property('notes', array('edittype'=>'textarea','editoptions'=>array('cols'=>40,'rows'=>10))) -> set_col_wysiwyg('notes'); $dg -> set_dimension(900, 400); //$dg -> set_multiselect(true); $dg -> set_conditional_value('discontinued', '==1', array("TCellStyle"=>"tstyle")); $dg -> set_conditional_format("cost","CELL",array("condition"=>"lt","value"=>"20.00","css"=> array("color"=>"black","background-color"=>"yellow"))); $dg -> set_theme($theme_name); // set data sort type. With data array, we don't have data type information as we usually do with database fields. $dg -> set_col_property("quantity", array("sorttype"=>"integer")); // display different time format $dg -> set_col_property("cost", array("sorttype"=>"currency")); // display different time format $dg -> set_databar('quantity', 'blue'); $dg -> display(); |
* Note that master-detail, subgrid, export, and file uploads are not yet available when using local array data source.
JSON Data Source
It’s also possible to use JSON string as a data source with one extra step: use json_decode and set the second parameter to true to return the decoded JSON string to an associative array.
Once you have the array, it can be passed to the phpGrid constructor as if it’s a local array data source. This is useful when your data is real-time or loaded from a remote source such as stock quote and RSS etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | $url = "http://myurl.com/json_string"; $json = file_get_contents($url); $json_output = json_decode($json, true); $dg = new C_DataGrid($json_output['items'], "id", "items"); $dg -> display(); |
Create Array from Database Table
Learn how to create array from database from Complex Query tutorial.
Save local array back to datbase
It’s possible to save local array data back into a relational DB. The technique uses a local array as indirect mean to edit complex database query with JOINS, UNION etc. See KB: Save local array back to database via Ajax