Announcing phpGrid version 7.4.6!

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phpGrid 7.4.6

This is an important bug fix release. Users are encouraged to upgrade to this version at earliest.


  • Removed a deprecated magic method in utility class causing issues in PHP 7.4
  • Revert a change in table namespace used for naming jqgrid index in colModel. In complex query, the best way to avoid column name ambiguity is still use column alias.
  • Improved mobile view with better CSS. Autoscroll is not supported in mobile view
  • Remove generated fonts during pdf export from repo
  • Included additional PDf fonts
  • PHP 7.4 support – Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated
  • Update tfPDF to 1.8.2 for PHP 7.4
  • Turn off autoresize caused edit form to cut off buttons in the bottom.
  • Check isset col_edittypes[$colName][“multiple”]
  • Fixed minor issues with row checkbox alignment in CSS
    Copy row bug fix due to constant ‘id’ replaced with JQGRID_ROWID


  • Improved master detail multiple tabbed demo